First commitment period

Refers to the 2008-2012 period under the Kyoto Protocol.

Veja também

See also

Empty forest

Empty forest

A portion of the forest where, although still possible to observe the green of the forest, the presence of animals – especially pollinators – is already rare or null, compromising the region's environmental services and the long-term survival of the forest. The...



The Amazon Emergency Fire Prevention and Control Project (Programa de Prevenção e Controle de Queimadas e Incêndios Florestais na Amazônica Legal, PROARCO), of the Brazilian government.

Kyoto Protocol

Kyoto Protocol

On December 11, 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was created during the Third Conference of the Parties (COP 3) to the Climate Change Convention, held in Kyoto, Japan. It is a treaty linked to the convention, which defines the responsibilities and obligations of the...