Certified emission reduction (CER)

Negotiable credit in the international carbon market originated from clean development mechanism (CDM) projects.

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See also

Carbon pools

Carbon pools

A component of the climate system in which the so-called greenhouse gases –or a precursor of greenhouse gas – are stored.

Marrakesh Agreement

Marrakesh Agreement

With 39 decisions, the Marrakesh Agreement compiles the principles, nature, scope, types, and procedures of the flexible mechanisms (CDM, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading). It was in Africa, in the city of Marrakesh, during the seventh Conference of the...



The word ‘biome’ – ‘bios’ (from Ancient Greek βίο, meaning ‘life’) and ‘ome’ (a variation of ōma, from Ancient Greek ωμα, meaning ‘mass’ or ‘group’) – was first used in 1943 by the American botanist Frederic Edward Clements, to define a biological unit or...