Small-scale CDM Project Activities

These are smaller scale project activities that are subject to a more agile project cycle and with lower transaction costs.

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It is the conversion, directly induced by humans, of unforested land into forested land through planting, sowing and/or human-induced promotion of natural seed sources, in an area that has been forested but converted into non-forested land. For the first commitment...



It means REDD, with the inclusion of the role of conservation, sustainable forest management, and increasing forest carbon stocks in developing countries. It is the concept currently applied under the Climate...

Renewable energy

Renewable energy

It is the energy derived from sources that do not use exhaustible fuels (for example, water – hydroelectric power, wind – wind energy, Sun – solar energy, tides, and geothermal sources). Some combustible materials, such as biomass, can also be considered renewable....