Renewable energy

It is the energy derived from sources that do not use exhaustible fuels (for example, water – hydroelectric power, wind – wind energy, Sun – solar energy, tides, and geothermal sources). Some combustible materials, such as biomass, can also be considered renewable. Usually, renewable energy generation (with the exception of geothermal and hydroelectric) does not emit greenhouse gases.

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The word ‘biome’ – ‘bios’ (from Ancient Greek βίο, meaning ‘life’) and ‘ome’ (a variation of ōma, from Ancient Greek ωμα, meaning ‘mass’ or ‘group’) – was first used in 1943 by the American botanist Frederic Edward Clements, to define a biological unit or...



Refer to the countries that are part of a convention. These can be individual countries or economic blocs, such as the European Union.

Carbon stocks

Carbon stocks

They include carbon stored in vegetation (above and below ground), decaying matter in the soil, and wood products.