First commitment period

Refers to the 2008-2012 period under the Kyoto Protocol.

Veja também

See also

Marrakesh Agreement

Marrakesh Agreement

With 39 decisions, the Marrakesh Agreement compiles the principles, nature, scope, types, and procedures of the flexible mechanisms (CDM, Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading). It was in Africa, in the city of Marrakesh, during the seventh Conference of the...

Arc of deforestation

Arc of deforestation

The region where the agricultural border advances towards the forest and also where the highest rates of deforestation of the Amazon are found. It corresponds to 500 thousand km² of land, going from the east and south of the Brazilian state of Pará towards the...



It is the conversion, directly induced by the humans, of land that has not been forested – for a period of at least 50 years – into forested land through planting, sowing, and/or human-induced promotion of natural sources of seeds. This definition is used for...