Climate system

The totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere and their interactions.

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Conference of the Parties, countries who are signatories to the UN Climate Change Convention. With the entry into force of the Climate Change Convention in 1994, representatives of the signatory countries started to meet annually at the Conferences of the Parties...



The fact of existing outside the perceiving subject. This economic phenomenon can be categorized as positive or negative when, in the price of the good placed on the market, the social gains and losses resulting from its production or consumption, respectively, are...

Leakage or escape

Leakage or escape

It corresponds to the increase of greenhouse gas emissions that occur outside the limit of the clean development mechanism (CDM) project activity and which, at the same time, is measurable and attributable to the project activity. The leakage is deducted from the...