The Amazon in Flames: Fire and deforestation in 2019 and what’s to come in 2020

23 de April de 2020

Apr 23, 2020

Ane Alencar, Paulo Moutinho, Vera Arruda, Divino Silvério

With the most intense season of deforestation in the Amazon approaching, it is time to evaluate what happened in the region in 2019. It is also time to put strategies in place to combat deforestation, which in the first three months of this year increased significantly and indicates a worrying scenario ahead. To avoid repeating the 2019 fires, we need to make the right choices. And now.

* Update on April 29th, 2020, at Annex 2.

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A New Look – Pathways to Sustainable Productions Landscapes in Mato Grosso

A New Look – Pathways to Sustainable Productions Landscapes in Mato Grosso

Globally, many companies have committed to removing deforestation from their supply chains by 2020, but they are struggling to find effective solutions to meet these goals. More and more emphasis is being placed on the jurisdictional approach as a potential means
to support corporate goals and drive sustainable development. The jurisdictional approach encourages companies to collaborate with local governments, communities and producers in their sourcing regions. Find in this document a strategy to achieve low-risk sourcing in Mato Grosso.