Leveraging carbon instruments for financial sustainability in a soy landscape initiative

3 de February de 2025

Feb 3, 2025

The document is part of the Sustainable Landscapes Initiative in Western Mato Grosso, which aims to increase sustainable agricultural production in the state while ensuring the conservation of native vegetation and the inclusion of small farmers and traditional communities. Currently, the project aligns with the Produce, Conserve, and Include strategy, which seeks to attract funding for the expansion and optimization of agricultural production in Mato Grosso and operates in six municipalities in the region.

The study was developed by Proforest in collaboration with IPAM (Amazon Environmental Research Institute), PCI, and Produzindo Certo, with funding from the Land Innovation Fund through the project “Sustainable and Climate-Smart Landscapes in Western Mato Grosso.” As a recommendation, researchers advocate for the use of a combination of financial instruments to promote the development of broader sustainable landscapes.

The initiative’s activities include conservation and restoration efforts on soybean farms, providing carbon credits by avoiding emissions from legal deforestation, reducing, and removing greenhouse gases through preserved areas on these properties. Thus, the goal is to create a set of environments that are both productive and resilient to climate change, financing the preservation of native vegetation and creating more favorable conditions for cultivation.

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