Interview about the EU-Mercosur Agreement with Kátia Penha (CONAQ – National Coordination of Quilombos Articulation)

7 de February de 2023

Feb 7, 2023

To give voice to the populations that will be directly – and indirectly – affected by the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur and their concerns regarding the consequences if the treaty is signed, IPAM (Amazon Envromental Research Center), in partnership with Fern and ISA (Socioenvironmental Institute), together promoted a series of consultations and interviews.

Representatives of organizations, collectives and indigenous and traditional communities from Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay were heard, totaling 22 people from 20 local organizations participating in the meetings.

Read the full transcript of the interview with Kátia Penha, member of CONAQ (National Coordination of Quilombos Articulation).

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