Isolated on a Knife-Edge: Risks Imposed to Isolated Indigenous Peoples

11 de January de 2023

Jan 11, 2023

Martha Fellows, Maria Emília Coelho, Rafaella Silvestrini, Tito de Souza Menezes, Patrícia Pinho, Fabrício Ferreira Amorim, Luciano Pohl, Carolina Guyot, Luiz Fernandes de Oliveira Neto e Ane Alencar

Brazil is home to the largest number of isolated indigenous peoples in South America (Amorim 2016; IACHR, 2013). The National Indigenous Peoples Foundation (FUNAI) recognizes 114 registries of the occurrence of isolated Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon biome and the Cerrado, of which 28 have been officially confirmed. This number may be even higher, as can be predicted from the indigenist body’s non expression in the face of evidence registered almost a year ago by the field teams of the Madeira-Purus with regard to the location of isolated Indigenous People in the Mamoriá river. These isolated peoples, by distancing themselves from national society and also from other Indigenous Peoples, continuously resist in their autonomy to the colonization process (Brasil, 1988; FOCIMP, 2022; IACHR, 2013; Matos et al., 2021).


• The Indigenous Lands (ILs) Ituna/Itatá, Jacareúba-Katawixi, Piripkura and Pirititi, with the confirmed presence or under study presence of isolated Indigenous Peoples, are threatened, and their fundamental rights are at risk;

• Altogether, the Indigenous territories with the presence of Isolated groups account for 653 km2, equivalent to 62% of the area of all the Indigenous Lands of the Brazilian Amazon biome. Nevertheless, while this number is expressive, the demarcation process of the 34% of the 44 IL inhabited by isolated groups has not been concluded;

• When the increase of deforested area in the last three years is compared with the previous one, the Ituna/Itatá IL is in the second most affected. Six of the ten IL that registered deforestation augment are territories with the presence of isolated peoples.

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